Tuesday 25 September 2012

how to get laid

Seduction is all about how good looking you, how strong you and how strong a personality you are. These qualities play a very significant role when hitting upon a woman and these are the ideal qualities which women look for when they are looking to get laid. Sex is equal for both men and women but women prefer to sleep with guys who are strong and who they know will be able to provide them with a good time, if you know what it means. Whether the relationship goes ahead or not is a different subject altogether in which many other factors get involved but if you are looking for the answer to how to get laid, you need to be full of confidence, know how to flirt and impress, must not be desperate but must be able to make her feel special and show genuine interest in her.
Simple Steps to Seduce a Woman
Impressing women is difficult but of course not impossible. If you walk in to the pub and find a girl to whom you are attracted, you must approach her and interact with her to mingle. There should be no fear and you should be full of confidence. If you are single, you have to gather this much courage to ask someone have a drink with you or a coffee with you, whether it is office, college, club or pub. Having courage and confidence is the first step to get a woman and once you cross this stage, the question that remains is how to seduce a woman.
Women like men who have attitude and who are not an easy catch. Everybody loves to race so that they can enjoy the prize even more heartily. If you are very easy to get, you will lose the value you deserve and this is applicable for both men and women. So, as a man who has every quality mentioned above, you definitely want to get laid and have sex, but show that you don’t care and you will get more than what you asked for. However, don’t be too complacent too.